At the office of Dr. Robert L. Holloway, we keep current with the most advanced approaches to care to ensure patient comfort and provide stress-free solutions for all your dental healthcare needs. When you visit us for a
root canal in Noblesville you can expect precise and gentle care from an experienced professional. Our skilled dentist and professional staff prioritize patient care and comfort throughout treatment and are committed to delivering the most effective outcome of care.
Root canal therapy has a 95% rate of success for saving compromised teeth and preserving your natural smile. We typically recommend a
root canal in Noblesville when injury or deep decay has caused irreversible damage to the tooth’s nerve supply. The nerves are contained within a center layer of core tissues called the dental pulp, and when bacteria enters through the outermost surface of the tooth into the dental pulp, it can cause an infection. Symptoms of an irritated or infected pulp may include sensitivity to hot and cold, pain when biting down, a persistent discomfort, fever and swelling. If you have a toothache, we urge you to call our office right away. As a first step in care, our dentist will perform a comprehensive examination, assisted by advanced digital radiography, as needed. Then, with an accurate diagnosis, we can determine if root canal therapy or the routine treatment of a cavity is needed. When a root canal in Noblesville is required, it helps to resolve an infection, alleviate your toothache and prevent subsequent damage to your oral health. We always deliver the most precise and gentle care, and for patients who experience dental anxiety, we can utilize safe and controlled sedation techniques to provide a deep feeling of comfort and relaxation. Once your root canal is complete, we may recommend restoring your tooth with a customized, natural looking dental crown.
Our team at the office of Dr. Robert L. Holloway utilizes state-of-the-art technology and methods to keep you at ease throughout your
root canal in Noblesville. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call today.
1104 Conner Street
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 406-5736
By Soundview Eye Center
December 10, 2018
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